Monday, 18 July 2011

The Thing 2011 remake.

OK ... so first off lets take a look at something thats been causing quite a stir in the movie world. Back in 1982 a director took on a 50`s horror movie and gave it his own vision ... a vision that still terrifies today. That director was John Carpenter ... the movie in question..? THE THING.
Now nearly 30 years later, Universal have taken this frozen monster movie and thawed it out .... and I have to say ... it looks impressive ... take a look at the new trailer below.

I think you will agree ... as this exclusive trailer shows ... that this movie is going to be one to look out for ... lets just hope that it lives up to John Carpenters classic masterpiece.... I shall be reviewing this monster movie at the first possible chance.
Scheduled for release in October ... Im pretty sure that this movie will have fans of the original flocking to the cinemas ....for those of you who have not seen the John Carpenter classic may I suggest you check it out by following the below image...

Rise Of The Apes

Ok ... next up we take a look at the next Planet of the Apes movie .... this time were going to be treated to a visual feast as the effects masterminds who created such a beautiful and lavish world in James Camerons AVATAR are behind the ape effects ..... check out the trailer .....

The synopsis of the movie takes us back to how the apes came to overtake the human race due to genetic intelligence ... with horrific consequences, released on August 5th lets hope this is one movie that delivers what it promises.